Tag Archives: battle

Words With Friends

Ok, before you think I’m talking about a certain game that you can play on the IPhone or whatever device has that certain game, I’m actually talking about two different conversations that I had last night.

I’m not going to give names or talk about the conversations that were had because I feel like God asking me to make a point with what the conversations were about. What I mean by that is, you need people in your corner who will have your back in good times and in bad.

Just like in a marriage, you vow for better or for worse. It’s the same with a friendship. You need people who aren’t going to see you any differently during your trials than they see you during your triumphs. God is always there for us just like a Father would be for His child, that much is clear.

I’ll give you an example because I think that might give you a clearer definition of what I’m talking about.

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